Sunday, September 18, 2011

Canning, canning, and more canning

I know in my mind that I look forward to this time of year. We plant the garden wondering if those seeds will sprout. Then we weed around those delicate roots giving the plants the best possible conditions to grow. We water and weed, water and weed. Then we start to see the blossoms on the plants (this is where I get all giddy inside). We can't wait to see the fruit of our labors! Then the fruit comes on, and comes again, and then there is more production!! I have picked, peeled, pickled, squeezed, cut, chopped, sliced, diced, shreeded, freezed, canned, steamed, presured and done it all again and again! I am so worn out!!

My newest thing is going to be peach honey! I helped a lady in the ward canning her peaches, 2 bushels :) I took all the peels and will make peach honey on Monday. I have more beans, cucumbers, zucchini, and onions to deal with. The beets for this year are done!! The peas, done! Peaches, we will be getting in a couple weeks. Tomatoes I want to try this year too. I love filling up my storage room with the harvest. Next year we will be doing this all again!! I really can't wait to get out there in the garden and talk to all my plants today. I am so excited that they have provided for my family. I hope that God lets these living things know of our appreciation, even though I do voice it, I'm not for sure they hear me. I know it's a little weird to be out talking to the cucumber plants. The beets aren't so talkative. The tomatoes are a little stuck up. The carrots are sick, not feeling so well. The green beans are tired but they are willing to keep going. The onions are happy. The peas are done, so they don't talk anymore, they were happy plants. The zucchini are rebellious, but are still doing what they were meant to. The cantaloupe are shy, but coming out a little at a time. My cucumbers are the best communicators. Silly I know, but I do know my plants. There is this one cucumber plant it hasn't branched out so much, but talk about pretty cucs!! I love seeing what blossoms and buds are under it's leaves. The leaves are a deeper green than the rest of the plants. Then there is another cuc plant that is just loves to branch out and stretch all over the place, but doesn't invade the other plants. THANK YOU SWEET GARDEN!!

** this is not my garden **

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